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DALL·E 2024-04-06 13.25.19 - A banner representing the journey to the 7 Aspects of

The 7 Aspects of Self: A Journey Toward Wholeness




In 2015, a profound encounter with my spirit guide, Caphriel—whom I refer to as my Spiritwalker—transformed my understanding of existence. She revealed the intricate architecture of our existence: the Primal Soul and its seven distinctive Master Aspects, which I've come to call the "7 Aspects of Self." This revelation, otherworldly in its depth, stirred within, thoughts of a sci-fi novel, yet whispered of something more—something tangible and real.

As the years passed, I wrestled with whether to share this extraordinary vision. It was unlike anything I'd encountered, calling me toward a deeper exploration. I sought clarity by connecting with these "Master Aspects," and the illumination I discovered far surpassed anything I could have envisioned.

I'm not one to claim the title of 'gifted' or consider myself a spiritual advisor—I'm a seeker on a path not unlike many others. This journey compelled me to revisit my dream journal, where I discovered the seed that started it all—the dream that ignited my awakening. So, with no pretense of special gifts, I invite you to join me on this journey. It’s one of awe and wonder, a path laid out by the cosmic blueprint within us all. Let's walk this path together and uncover the awe-inspiring revelations that await.

Embarking on the journey of the soul's grand tapestry, let us explore the core of our existence:

Within the vast expanse of our soul lies a profound architecture—seven CORE Aspects that are essential for our Ascension beyond the dense, physical 3D frequency and back to the Creator as whole, conscious light beings. These aspects—Spiritwalker, Explorer, Historian, Truth Seer, Uplifter, Spirit Warrior, and Lightbringer—are not just external guides but intrinsic parts of our primal soul. They form the foundation of our entire existence, each holding an unbreakable bond with our soul. Together, they are the masters of our soul, shaping and guiding us on our journey.

In its original, completed state, our primal soul is whole, multidimensional, and holographic. However, through individual traumas, our soul can fracture into separate particles of light and consciousness, known as 'aspects.' The path to wholeness lies in learning the lessons from these Master Aspects, which are fragments of our very essence.

When we chose to experience life in a lower-density frequency, we lost our conscious connection to these core aspects of our soul. This disconnection limited our ability to access the fullness of our power, manifest our light energy, and expand into the totality of our consciousness. Yet, our divine destiny calls us to return to the light energy and soul consciousness that constitute the totality of our being. The path to this destiny is through the reintegration of our 7 CORE Aspects with our primal soul.

Upon consciously deciding to transcend our human density and transmute into a higher frequency, we gain access to the light consciousness, memories, knowledge, and lessons held by our higher frequency aspects. It is only at this point that we can become Ascended Masters—beings who are consciously aware across all realms of existence.

These Aspects of Self are more than mere fragments; they are integral parts of our being, each representing unique qualities and purposes that guide us through our earthly experiences. As we engage with them, our soul's wisdom deepens, and our connection to every lived moment becomes richer. The journey toward becoming an Ascended Master is marked by the conscious merging of these aspects into a single, complete light being.

Mother Earth has gloriously transitioned into the 5th Dimension, vibrating at a much higher energy level—a shift known as the Great Awakening of Humanity. This marks a collective awareness that every living being on Earth is part of a shared experience within a universal consciousness. However, not all have awakened yet. Those of us who have transitioned are called to assist and encourage our fellow light beings still bound by the physical restraints of the 3D realm.

As we settle into the 5th Dimension, we will intuitively sense a deeper connection with our 7 Aspects of Self reaching out to us. Our mission as cosmic light beings is to elevate our consciousness through each dimensional level by raising our vibrational energy—a process known as Conscious Ascension. This involves the awareness and remembrance of each Aspect of Self and the lessons we have accumulated since our first spark of existence.

The Primal Soul, our original spark from the Source, embodies the purest form of consciousness and vibrational energy. Too ethereal to directly engage with the denser realms of existence, it navigates these realms by projecting our 7 Master Aspects. Each aspect, a distinct manifestation of our soul's divine intent, traverses various dimensions, gathering wisdom that contributes to the soul’s evolution.

Within our human form resides an individualized spark of this Primal Soul, a purposeful being destined to live, experience, and ascend within the 3rd dimension. This spark bridges us to the higher aspects of our being, allowing the guidance, wisdom, and light of our Master Aspects to flow into our earthly lives.

The journey of conscious ascension beckons us to awaken to our core essence, synchronize our vibrational frequency with higher realms, and merge once again with the Master Aspects of our soul. This ascension is a harmonious return to our origins—a celestial climb toward a unified purpose illuminated by the profound love, wisdom, and enlightenment of our 7 Aspects of Self.

With each step on this celestial ascent, our bond with the Master Aspects grows stronger, integrating their wisdom into our essence. This integration signifies a harmonious convergence towards wholeness, enlightenment, and unity with our Primal Soul. As Mother Earth embraces the 5th Dimension's vibrational frequency, we too are called to rise, unite with our 7 Master Aspects of Self, and emerge as Ascended Masters.


In this new era, our divine destiny unfolds, inviting us to elevate our consciousness, merge the wisdom of our soul's journey, and embody the fullness of our being as luminous, whole beings of conscious light.

Love & Light,

Glynis Elaine


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