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This image encapsulates the essence of finding balance between mind and spirit during the ascension process. It visually interprets the concept that anti-depressants may initially assist in achieving the clarity needed for spiritual growth, as discussed in Spiritwalker Lesson 2: Anti-Depressants and Ascension.

Spiritwalker Lesson 2: Anti-Depressants and Ascension

Glynis: With the world in such turmoil, Caphriel, many are seeking relief through anti-depressants and anti-anxiety medication. I wonder, as we shift into a higher vibration with Gaia, do these medicines block or aid our ascension process?


Caphriel: Glynis, consider ascension a spiritual odyssey, distinct yet parallel to the brain's physiological journey. In the initial phases of ascending, these medications may act as stabilizers, allowing the mind to attain the clarity necessary for the soul's progression and fostering a balance critical for embracing higher states of consciousness.


Glynis: So, they're a temporary aid rather than a hindrance?


Caphriel: Precisely. They help quiet the mental chatter, granting a window of tranquility where spiritual understanding can flourish. Yet, as one’s consciousness expands, the reliance on such aids naturally diminishes. It’s a transition you’ll feel deep within, an innate knowing.


Glynis: When the time comes to transition away from these aids, how should we approach it?


Caphriel: With attuned awareness and medical guidance. Listen to your higher consciousness as it signals readiness, and consult with a physician to navigate the physical aspects safely. It’s a dance between the spiritual and the physical—one cannot lead without the consent of the other.


Glynis: And what's the most crucial step we can take to balance our minds and spirits?


Caphriel: Ground yourself. It connects your essence to the nurturing energies of Earth and the expansive wisdom of the cosmos. I suggest the Balance Meditation from the Uplifter Aspect—therein lies profound guidance.


Glynis: Your insights are always illuminating, Caphriel. Thank you.


Caphriel: It's like sharing light between stars, Glynis. Together, our illumination grows. And remember, it's your journey, your pace, your ascension. Always move with purpose and intention.


Glynis: Thank you, Caphriel. You’ve given me a new perspective on the subject.


Caphriel: I'm happy I could help. Just remember, as you navigate these waters, trust the compass of your inner wisdom. It's attuned to the frequency of your highest good.

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