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Caphriel Clearborne's Ascension Essential Oil Blends

Enhance your ascension journey with our curated selection of Sacred Wellness Essentials and discover the transformative power of our Themed Meditation Sprays at OrganicHealingOils.Shop

Sacred Wellness Essentials
~Ascension Anointing Oils Collection~

All Ascension Oils are available in 10ml Roller or 10ml Bottle w/diffusers

Each formula is crafted with 100% Pure Essential Oils divinely blended with love and light to aid in your ascension process. Charged with Vibrational Frequencies of Monatomic Andara Crystals.

My Ascension Essential Oil Collection was purposefully created to deepen your connection with your 7 Aspects of Self as you move through the Ascension Process. Each Ascension Oil Blend is crafted with the unique qualities of each Aspect of Self in mind: Spiritwalker, Explorer, Uplifter, Historian, Truth Seer, Lightbringer, and Spirit Warrior.


How to Use:
Add a few drops of essential oil to an aromatherapy diffuser, bathwater, or apply to the skin. Always perform a skin patch test when using a new essential oil topically.
Before Meditation:
Simply choose the essential oil blend corresponding to your Aspect of Self you want to connect with, or you can smell each blend first to see which one is calling to you. You will know!
• Diffuser: 2-3 drops
• Bathwater: 8-10 drops in warm bathwater or mixed with ½ cup of your favorite bath salt to help distribute the oils evenly.
• Topical: Massage 1 drop on each wrist, your third eye, behind each ear, temples, neck, and/or soles and tops of feet, etc. Let your intuition guide you as to what area/areas of the body will benefit you the most in that NOW moment.

NOTE: Always do a patch test before using essential oil products, and if skin irritation occurs, discontinue use. If pregnant, nursing, or have a medical condition, ask a physician before using any product containing essential oils. Keep out of reach of children and pets.



100% Pure Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils diluted in Organic Cold-Pressed Unrefined Jojoba Oil.




Contains Organic: Jojoba Oil, Lavender, Cedarwood, Frankincense, Jasmine, Sweet Orange, Ylang-Ylang

Enhance your Spiritwalker Attributes with:
Lavender:  High vibration, cleansing, enlightenment
Cedarwood: Assists in spiritual awakening, purifies the spirit, enhances spirituality
Frankincense: Enlightenment, Spirituality
Jasmine: Intuition, psychic abilities, creation, cosmic compassion
Sweet Orange: Purification, increases bio-electrical energy
Ylang-Ylang: Encourages Communication, relaxation



Contains Organic: Jojoba Oil, Lemongrass, Peppermint, Clary Sage, Ylang-Ylang, Sandalwood

Enhance your Uplifter Attributes with:

Clary Sage:  Enhances Visualization
Lemongrass: Removes Obstacles, Road Opener, Spirit Lifter, Guidance
Peppermint: Increased Awareness, Pathway Clearing, Perception
Sandalwood: Greater intuition, Sense of Awareness, Assists in the joining of the physical and spiritual realms
Ylang-Ylang: Increases Enthusiasm, Upliftment, Enlightenment, Gratitude


Uplifter Aspect: BALANCE~HARMONY

Contains Organic: Jojoba Oil, Bergamot, Black Spruce, Cedarwood, Clary Sage, Holy Basil, Lavender, Lemongrass, Rose Otto, Vanilla 

Enhance your Uplifter Attributes with:
Bergamot: Amplifies energy, joy, and light.
Black Spruce: Ground and balance the body and release emotional blocks, harmonizes the chakras and energy in the body so we can become our best.
Cedarwood: Brings balance and steadiness to the spirit.
Clary Sage: It has physical and psychological attributes and promotes contentment and self-love, awakens the angelic realm of the subconscious, bringing harmony and purpose.
Holy Basil: Ability to fundamentally restore balance and harmony in the mind, body, and spirit.
Lavender: Emotional balance to the psyche, indecisiveness and emotional conflict are washed away.
Lemongrass: Balance, Calm, Uplifting
Rose Otto: Contentment, happiness, and patience, brings unconditional love and giving. It gently brings comfort and harmony.
Vanilla: The fragrance of vanilla revitalizes the body, producing bioelectrical energy, uplifting body, mind, and spirit




Contains Organic: Jojoba Oil, Sandalwood, Frankincense, Cedarwood, Cinnamon Leaf, Clove, Star Anise, Bergamot, Roman Chamomile, Helichrysum

Enhance your Historian Attributes with:
Sandalwood: Greater Intuition, Centering, Sense of Awareness, Assists in the joining of the physical and
Frankincense: Release Blockages & Lingering Negativity, High Vibration, Access to Akashic Records
Cedarwood: Assists in spiritual awakening, purifies the spirit, enhances spirituality
Cinnamon Leaf: High vibration, Protection, Promotes access to the psychic realm
Clove: Promotes healing and heightens courage. Strengthens the conscious mind and helps with retrieving long-lost memories.
Star Anise: Gain insight and psychic awareness, Divine Wisdom
Helichrysum: Assist ascending to higher realms to access Akashic Records
Bergamot: Access to Akashic Records
Roman Chamomile: Helps bring inner peace, letting go of fear and worry, acceptance, gain confidence based on inner attunement, compassion.



Contains Organic: Jojoba Oil, Cedarwood, Geranium, Lavender, Peppermint, Sandalwood, Clary Sage, Bergamot

Enhance your Truth Seer Attributes with:
Cedarwood: Assists in spiritual awakening, Purifies the spirit, Enhances spirituality, Purification, Confidence
Geranium: Opens Intuition
Lavender: Opens Clairvoyant Sight, Focus
Peppermint: Focus, Spiritual Awareness, Memory
Sandalwood: Enhances Spirit Work, Increases Focus, Calms and Alleviates mental confusion
Clary Sage: Enhances Visualization, Intuition, Wisdom, & Perspective
: Power & Energy, Enhances Intuition & Instinct, Enhances Confidence


Lightbringer Aspect: LOVE & LIGHT

Contains Organic: Jojoba Oil, Rose Otto, Jasmine, Sandalwood, Myrrh, Holy Basil, Orange, Wisteria

Enhance your Lightbringer Attributes with:
Rose Otto: Love, Psychic Abilities, Maternal Ancestors, Protection
Jasmine: Love, Psychic Abilities, Enhances Intuition
Myrrh: Heals Spirit, Awakens awareness of spirituality, Aides in meditation and healing of the physical body,
Holy Basil: Holy basil brings balance between your body, mind, and spirit. Its scent warms your spirit and it brings spiritual clarity.
Sandalwood: Enhances spirit work, Peace, Calms the mind, Helps raise awareness and reach higher levels of consciousness, Opens cellular memory of past life experiences, One of the highest vibrations of any oil that resonates with all aspects of ourselves, attracting the highest spiritual vibrations, opening the highest spiritual centers, and aligning the chakras to enhance spiritual awareness and allowing healing energies to flow.
Sweet Orange: Increases Bio-electrical Energy
Wisteria: Illumination.



Contains Organic: Jojoba Oil, Sandalwood, Cedarwood, Geranium, Lemon, Patchouli, Roman Chamomile, Ylang-Ylang

Enhance your Spirit Warrior Attributes with:
Sandalwood: Sandalwood is good for keeping you grounded, especially when you are experiencing anxiety and fear. It keeps us close to our divine essence, assisting us to interact and cooperate with divine will.
Cedarwood: Protection, wisdom, strength, perseverance, mental clarity & focus, empowerment, cleansing
Geranium: Aides in removing harmful thoughts or emotions which keep us from accessing the truth of who we are.
Lemon: Uplifting to the body and mind, improves focus, increases awareness, and assists one in the decision-making process, removes negative patterns, promotes hopefulness.
Patchouli: Grounding, calming, releasing obsessions, insecurities, and jealousies.
Roman Chamomile: Restores wholeness to the self, dispels nervousness and anger, calming, and helps create feelings of comfort, positive energy, and light.
Ylang-Ylang: Clearing Negativity, Protection, helps to cope with anger, encourages focus on happiness & gratitude, calming, promotes enthusiasm & joy, and soothes away the frustrations of life.


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