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Uplifter's Mantra

An abstract image that visualizes the concept of Uplifer Mantra for Balance.

Begin by reciting the Uplifter's Mantra for Balance to call on your Uplifter Aspect to join you in an OPEN meditation.


I AM my I AM presence. I am one with my aspects of self. I call upon my Uplifter Aspect to join me in meditation for Balance, so I may recognize and acknowledge the duality, and connection between, my physical mind and my I AM. Give me the confidence to trust my intuition and knowingness, so the decisions I make come from the core of my being in totality. Help me to realize and accept my divine right to live a life of transcendent empowerment as bestowed upon me by God. And So It Is!

Find a quiet place where you will not be disturbed. Close your eyes, take a few deep breaths to draw your attention inward. Visualize a beam of white light entering your crown chakra from above and another entering your root chakra from the earth's core, merging at the solar plexus chakra, which presides over ego, personality, identity, personal freedom, choice, and authenticity. As the light emanates through you, allow it to expand beyond your body, filling the room. You are now ready to ask your Uplifter questions or, if you desire, merely immerse yourself in the Now moment paying close attention to every detail you experience.


And so it is!


Uplifter Essential Oil Blend


If you prefer to listen to meditation music during your meditation, I highly suggest the one below. 


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