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A wise sage, the Historian Aspect of Self, delves into the Book of Life, surrounded by the Akashic Records' timeless wisdom.

Historian Lesson 1: Book of Life


Glynis: Hello, Orthealix. What is the role of the Historian Aspect of Self?

Orthealix: The Historian aspect is the brain of the soul connecting all multidimensional light consciousnesses with the I AM that make up the light being from every life lived throughout the universe and every dimension of light energy.

Your Historian aspect is the scholar and author of your Book of Life, collecting and preserving your souls' memories from the time of creation from Source, as individual light beings, until your return to Paradise.

Glynis: By Book of Life, do you mean the Akashic Records?

Orthealix: The Book of Life is a compendium of the primal soul's life experiences stored within the Akashic Records. Your Historian Aspect is the part of self with access to your Akashic Records and is the author of your Book of Life.

Glynis: I also understand that the Akashic Records hold the soul's contracts between self and Source.

Orthealix: Indeed. Your divine soul contract is one of the first documents stored in your Book of Life. Many earthly souls have written about the Akashic Records. I encourage you to study these writings.

Glynis: I will do that. What else can be found in the Akashic Records?

Orthealix: The Akashic Records is a collection of every meticulous detail of the past, present, or future of all entities and life forms. Recording all emotions, thoughts, words, intent, and events throughout the universe. Through your Historian Aspect, you will find spiritual enlightenment and cosmic consciousness on your path towards ascension.

All entities and life forms, respectfully through your Historian Aspect, have complete access to the Akashic Records to research and gain perspective when planning their divine life journeys. Through this research, one is able to make an informed decision about what life lessons they want to experience, teachings to share, places they want to see, souls they wish to meet, souls they wish to share an existence with, etc. Your goal is to learn and teach as much as you can to become an ascended master.

Glynis: This sparks many questions for me, such as, are we limited to the galaxy in which we live?

Orthealix: No

Glynis: Is there life in other galaxies?

Orthealix: Yes

Glynis: Are we part of the entire universe or just our galaxy?

Orthealix: We are part of the entire universe but live in the Milky Way galaxy.  

Glynis: Is GOD the creator of the universe, or just our galaxy?

Orthealix: God IS the Universe.

Glynis: Are there multiple Gods?

Orthealix: There is an infinite number of co-creators, all children of God who have created or will create galaxies. Those reaching the level of an Illumined Master may choose to create a galaxy in their image as a contribution and tribute to Father/Mother God. Once life creation is achieved, and the missions are complete—pertaining to the divine plan of the creator's design and outcome, the Illumined Masters will become the elders and scholars to the next generation of Ascended Masters.
So, yes, there are multiple Gods of creation, but only one Father/Mother God of the multi-universe.


Glynis: So back to the Akashic Records. How do we gain access to our Akashic Records? What is the process?


Orthealix: It is strongly encouraged to call on your Historian Aspect to facilitate your visit to the Akashic Records. Simply ask them to join you before your meditation. As always, it is very important to ground yourself prior to your Akashic journey. Then recite the Historian's invocation.


Historian Invocation to visit your Akashic Records 


I AM my I AM presence. I am one with my aspects of self. I call upon my Historian aspect to facilitate a visit to my Akashic Records. I understand that I may choose to gain access by either remote viewing or astral travel. Whichever feels more comfortable in this NOW moment.  I ask that you guide me and protect me as I take this journey of enlightenment to learn and recall the lessons and/or memories that will further advance my ascension process. And so it is!


Glynis: Thank you!


Orthealix: My pleasure. Until next time…Go with light and love.

Glynis: And also with you. Thank you!

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