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Embark on a journey of self-discovery and cosmic recall with the Truth Seer, navigating through the celestial wisdom of past, present, and future.

Truth Seer Lesson 1: Cellular Memory Purification Process


Glynis: Hello, Josephine! Before we dive in, it may be helpful to begin by further explaining the role of our Truth Seer Aspect.


​Josephine: Certainly—the truth is unique to each soul. We all have a history. We all have multi-dimensional life experiences. The Truth Seer aspect is the souls' link to the distinctive veracities as experienced throughout all lifetimes- the looking glass to your soul, thus, providing deeper insights and distinctions between remembering ALL life experiences, the emotions connected to these memories, and how these emotions can directly influence one's future lifetimes and timelines.


​Glynis: How do past life experiences contribute to our journey towards conscious ascension?


​Josephine: Remembering the full spectrum of who you are is crucial for what we call 'Conscious Ascension.' Consider this: without a deep understanding of your true identity, your origin, your purpose, and the lessons you've gathered along the way, ascending to a higher state of consciousness becomes an insurmountable task. It's akin to an amnesiac trying to resume their life's journey without any recollection of their past—simply put, it's impossible. True ascension is interwoven with the threads of memory, understanding, and the intentional release of what no longer serves us.


Moreover, progress is elusive without a clear sense of destination and origin. Ascension isn't merely about elevation but about moving forward with purpose and clarity. Without the compass of our past, discerning our forward path becomes a challenge. Direction is not just useful—it's indispensable.


Thus, embracing the memories spanning across the vast expanse of our soul's journey allows us to piece together the mosaic of our true selves. This act of remembering, in its entirety, is the essence of Ascension. It grants us unfettered access to our deepest truths and the authenticity that defines us.


Glynis: Why can't we remember who we are in totality in this lifetime?


Josephine: The journey from the spiritual realm to our physical existence on Earth involves a transition through different vibrational frequencies. Initially, our souls carry the memories and knowledge of all past lives, but these are veiled by the dense 3D frequency of our physical world, making it challenging for us to recall our existence beyond the tangible.


At the moment a soul animates a body, marked by the first heartbeat, it brings with it a higher vibrational frequency from the spiritual realm. This influx can temporarily elevate the mother's vibrational state, often resulting in symptoms like nausea or fatigue, which tend to ease as the mother and child's frequencies harmonize, typically by the second trimester.


As the child prepares for birth by the end of the third trimester, it becomes attuned to the Earth's 3D frequency, readying it for the physical world. While a newborn remains connected to the higher spiritual frequency, this connection gradually fades, usually around the age of four. This fading is the point at which most children cease to recall their soul's broader connections. Though some retain these memories beyond this age, it's more the exception than the rule.


Glynis: Incredible! This deeply resonates with me, opening up a fresh perspective! However, in navigating these profound depths, is there a risk of being overwhelmed by a surge of memories, particularly the traumatic ones?


Josephine: Indeed, the vastness of what we might uncover has the potential to overwhelm. This is precisely where the guidance of your Truth Seer becomes invaluable. They help modulate the flow of recollections, ensuring that you're not inundated by them, especially the ones fraught with trauma.


Rest assured, whether or not you're consciously aware of your Truth Seer, they accompany you on this sacred path, gently steering you through the layers of your consciousness. The Truth Seer doesn't just illuminate your path; they safeguard your journey, ensuring that the process of remembrance serves your ascension without causing unnecessary distress. This delicate balance underscores the multi-dimensional nature of our being, highlighting that these aspects, including the Truth Seer, collectively compose the entirety of who you are.


On a more intimate level, cellular memories—etched into the very fabric of our crystalline DNA—capture the emotional essence of these experiences. They're the micro, the visceral reactions and feelings tied to our soul's contracts and lessons. Through understanding both, guided by the insight of your Truth Seer aspect, you begin to piece together the mosaic of your multidimensional existence, paving the way for true ascension and self-realization.


Glynis: Could the influx of such profound memories, especially the traumatic ones, potentially overwhelm us?


Josephine: Indeed, the depth and intensity of these memories can be overwhelming. This is precisely where the wisdom of your Truth Seer becomes invaluable. They're not just guides; they're guardians of your mental and emotional well-being, carefully regulating the pace of your recollections to shield you from re-traumatization.


Remember, whether you're actively aware of it or not, your Truth Seer is ever-present on this sacred path, gently illuminating the way and ensuring your journey into remembrance serves your highest good. The Truth Seer acts as a bridge to your deepest truths, facilitating a journey of conscious remembrance that's pivotal for ascension. Moreover, it's crucial to embrace the multi-dimensional nature of your existence, understanding that these aspects, including the Truth Seer, collectively embody the wholeness of your being. 


GlynisHow can unresolved traumas from a previous life affect our present life?


Josephine: When a soul is born to Earth, its crystalline DNA solidifies into physical form. Any unresolved behaviors & belief patterns based on past life traumas begin to take root deep within the body's cells and the mind's psyche.


​Eventually, these unresolved behaviors and belief patterns will create blockages between body, mind, soul, and spirit. Consequently, the soulsuous* receptors connected to these events are likely to carry over into multiple lifetimes if not brought to the surface and purified. The goal is to recall the events that carry these memories and clear them from your DNA before moving on to your next life experience. This can be achieved with guidance from your Truth Seer by the method known as the Cellular Memory Purification Process (CMPP).


*Soulsuous (pronounced sol-chew-us): relating to or affecting the souls' senses at the cellular level related to crystalline-based DNA.


Glynis: Quick question—is the Cellular Memory Purification Process equivalent to Shadow Work which we learned about in the Uplifter Lesson: Journey from Shadow to Light?


Josephine: They are akin yet distinct, Glynis. Shadow Work delves into the psyche's hidden corners, engaging with the emotions and traumas that dwell within our conscious minds. On the other hand, the Cellular Memory Purification Process transcends to a more profound plane, addressing the very imprints of such experiences encoded in the body's cells.


Glynis: That makes perfect sense. Thank you for the clarification. Back to the CMPP—is it necessary to re-experience the actual pain and suffering caused by repressed traumatic events during the CMPP sessions?


Josephine: Not at all. During the CMPP, you'll revisit the memory, but in a way that's detached from the original emotional intensity. It's akin to observing scenes from your life, somewhat like watching movie clips. You might hear familiar sounds or voices, or even encounter scents that evoke particular memories, but all from a safe, observational standpoint—much like being an audience to an interactive play or film.


It's crucial to differentiate between Cellular Memory Purification and simple Memory Recall. The latter often involves techniques like hypnosis or past life regression therapy, working at the physical level. In contrast, cellular memories are encoded within the soul's crystalline DNA and are accessible only through engaging with higher vibrational frequencies.


Achieving total recall means confronting all traumas—past, present, and future—not to relive the pain but to extract and preserve the lessons they offer. This is essential for releasing these imprints from your current cellular memory, paving the way for your journey towards conscious ascension.

The CMPP is a transformative step in this journey, allowing for the release of these memories without re-experiencing the pain, thereby facilitating a smoother path to ascension.


​Glynis: How do we know if we are suppressing past traumas?


​Josephine: Past traumas can present themselves in the physical body as disease, emotional issues such as unjustified anxiety and depression, mental illness, unjustified phobias or fears, such as a fear of heights, doctors, death, snakes, spiders, a fear of being alone, unjustified lack of trust in people or of the opposite sex,  unjustified low self-esteem or lack of self-love, or anything that holds you back from living a long productive life of joy, love, and happiness. The cycle will continue until you purge the repressed memories causing unjustified negativity in your life.


​So, I ask those who will listen—are disease, pain, and sorrow worth it? Will you continue to allow this suffering to affect your NOW moments? Are you willing to sacrifice your authenticity to fear? OR are you ready to confront the obstacles holding you back from remembering who you are in totality and awaken to the possibility that life is truly what you make it? Will you ascend to the crystalline light being you are and open your heart and mind to a higher calling? To live a long productive life of joy and happiness surrounded by love and light as you venture through this blessed and glorious life on the NEW Earth?


​Glynis:  I AM ready! How does one recall these memories?


Josephine: To engage in this profound journey of purification, one must elevate their vibrational frequency beyond the dense confines of the 3D realm. This elevation can be facilitated through meditation, a powerful tool for spiritual attunement. Remember, grounding yourself to Mother Earth is crucial before embarking on any meditative practice, particularly before a CMPP session.


Now, find a serene space where you won't be disturbed. Close your eyes, and allow yourself to take several deep, calming breaths. Envision a beam of pure white light descending into your crown chakra from the cosmos above, and simultaneously, another beam of light ascending from the Earth's core into your root chakra. These beams of light meet and merge within your solar plexus chakra, radiating outwards, filling your entire being and the space around you with luminous energy.


When you feel ready, softly recite the Truth Seer Invocation for the Cellular Memory Purification Process. It's okay to open your eyes momentarily if you need to refer to the invocation.














Truth Seer Invocation for Cellular Memory Purification


​ I AM my I AM presence. I am one with my aspects of self. I call upon my Truth Seer to take me on a journey of remembrance. I ask that you guide me through the Cellular Memory Purification Process. Protect me with love and light from all pain and suffering any repressed cellular memories may bring to the surface. I understand that I will be remote viewing as these painful events are released into the light, for they no longer serve me from this NOW moment onward. For remembrance is knowledge, and through this knowingness, I will rediscover who I am in totality. I accept this healing with an open heart and mind knowing I am grounded and protected by the love & light of Source Creator. And so it is!


Set your intention to recall the choices you made which led you here, the purpose of your earthly journey, and who you are in totality. As scenes flash before you, pay close attention to any visions, names, symbols, signs, sounds, faces, colors, emotions, etc. Whatever emotions arise, good or bad, let them flow. Let the movie play out. FEEL them, SEE them, HEAR them, REMEMBER them!


Glynis: WOW! This is emotional and resonates deeply.


​Josephine: Yes, it most definitely is, though the reward is well worth it. It is among the most liberating experiences one can undergo. It's akin to sending light lanterns soaring into the sky—a symbol of letting go and embracing freedom, or gently setting them afloat on water, watching as they carry away the old, leaving space for new beginnings. 


Glynis: That is beautiful. Thank you for this profound lesson. Is there anything else you would like to add?


Josephine: Only that the journey is continuous and ever-unfolding. Treasure each revelation, for they are the milestones of your soul's evolution. I also suggest keeping a journal of your Cellular Memory Purification journey just as you would a dream journal. This process does not happen in one session, for you have many life journeys to work through. You will KNOW when you are done, as you will no longer feel the need to recall anything. This is because you will have been elevated to a higher state of consciousness, existing only of light; No longer weighed down by the denseness of the 3D atmosphere. You do not need to write down the negative thoughts, feelings, emotions, images, etc. if you choose not to. But I encourage you to write down the thoughts, feelings, and emotions you have towards the experience itself. 


Until we meet again, may you walk in the beauty of your own awakening, embraced by the love and light of the universe.


Glynis: I am profoundly grateful. Thank you, until next time.​



Glossary of Terms:


  • I AM Presence: The higher aspect of oneself that is connected to divine source energy, embodying the true essence and totality of one's soul across all lifetimes.


  • Cellular Memory: The concept that cells within the human body can hold memories of past events, emotions, and traumas, not just from this lifetime but from previous ones as well.


  • Soulsuous: (soul-chew-us): A term coined to describe sensations or experiences that affect the soul on a cellular level, particularly related to crystalline-based DNA.


  • Akashic Records: The ethereal compendium of all knowledge and history of every soul in the cosmos, including past, present, and future events.


  • Truth Seer: A spiritual guide or aspect of the self that helps one to navigate and understand their own personal truths across multiple dimensions and lifetimes.


An image of  a human figure at the crest of a cosmic river, releasing repressed cellular memories into the light.
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