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Are the 12 Chakras Related to the Dimensional Levels of Our 7 Aspects of Self?

Updated: Apr 22

Twelve colorful chakras connected by ethereal threads to surreal, floating dimensional landscapes, representing the spiritual journey across different levels of consciousness.
Exploring Our Cosmic Connection

Glynis: Are the 12 Chakras related to the dimensional levels of our 7 Aspects of Self?

Caphriel: No. The chakras are the energy centers in relation to your physical body and mind. Your 7 Aspects of Self are NOT physical, therefore do not correspond with the body's chakra system, although they can and do move energy to and through them. Your 7 Aspects of Self exist outside the parameters of the 3D matrix, residing in higher realms of existence, each on the dimensional level that corresponds to their spiritual aspects, which make up your collective whole.

Glynis: Ahh…that makes perfect sense. I've been asked on several occasions how the chakra system relates to the 7 Aspects of Self, and I just assumed they somehow lined up with the 5th- the 12th dimensions. However, after numerous attempts to link each chakra to our 7 Aspects of Self and/or each dimensional level, I came up empty. Hence the question.

Caphriel: Let me elaborate. When a soul chooses to experience life on Earth, the connection to its masterful primal(primary) soul is no longer accessible due to Earth's low-frequency vibrational density. The result? Forgetting who you are, why you are here, severing your ability to access all of your power, inability to manifest all of our light energy, and the inability to expand into the full range of consciousness.​

Furthermore, because our divine primal souls cannot exist below the 12th dimension vibrational frequency, a brilliant plan was executed, allowing the incarnation into the lower dimensions, expanding our life experiences exponentially. The plan involved each primal soul creating (birthing) a lower vibrational fragment of "self" that they could then send to the 11th dimension. This Aspect of Self would evolve, and like the primal soul, repeat the process by sending a fragment of their "self" to the next lower dimension, and so on, and so on, until reaching the 3rd dimension. This plan allowed the primal soul to experience multiple lives simultaneously through their aspects of self.

Glynis: Okay, that makes sense because our ascension is the process in which we return to our primal soul by reconnecting with each aspect of self by elevating our vibrational frequency. Thank you for the clarification!

Caphriel: My pleasure, as always. Love & Light!

Glynis: Love & Light—

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