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Spiritual Growth: Journey Within

Updated: Jul 29

A visual representation of introspection, where an individual's contemplation merges with the cosmos, denoting the alignment with the divine within.
Inner Spiritual Reflection

Our journey here, in this world, is individual and as will creatures, we are answerable to God only – no one else. It is to our spiritual betterment, that establishing a vivid personal knowledge and awareness of the spiritual presence within our human bodies and becoming at one with that presence, is a preparatory step for our earthly mission.

It does not matter what spiritual path we trod, what theosophical stream our mind or soul connects with, or what religion we believe, practice, or participate in. All are intricate parts of the same infinite plan for us in whatever period of time we are manifesting.

We have an eternity for growth. Eternity is not relative to time. There is no time limit. Growth in the spirit and soul should always be our goal. We need to put forth every effort to grow in courage and to let go and let God use His messengers and guardians to help and lead us toward gaining knowledge of his will for each of us. Yielding to God’s will is not for his sake, it is for ours.

Of all things, it seems that our biggest conflict is one of Body, Mind, and Soul. Our biggest challenge is relationships! Our biggest need is a reverent relationship with the Infinite Spirit within; that part of the Universal Father that indwells us, as us. Our outward manifestation in our relationships is a direct reflection of our relationship with this inner divine spirit.

How utterly important it is that we reflect on our relationships with others to receive knowledge of the reflection that they are of our inner relationship with our Father God. This my fellow travelers on the path, is of the utmost importance to our spiritual growth and wellbeing.

by Contributor Clyde Wayne, Tell My People I Love Them

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