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The Time is NOW: Manifesting your Future on Blessed Gaia

Updated: Apr 21

A Conversation with Caphriel, my Spiritwalker Aspect of Self

Glynis: Hi there, Caphriel! I've noticed the number 22 cropping up everywhere lately—during my dreams, on the clock, and even when I just close my eyes for a moment. What's the universe trying to tell me?

Caphriel: Greetings, Glynis! The number 22 is a significant sign, indeed—it heralds your identity as a Master Creator. This is your cue to intensify your efforts in manifestation and visualization. Now's the time to amplify your ability to manifest, to sharpen the focus on what you deeply desire and intend, and to sculpt the ideas and dreams that shape your future.

Envision your deepest aspirations with utmost intention and clarity. This moment is ideal for wielding your creative powers to construct your new reality within the rejuvenated Gaia of the 5th dimension. Spread this knowledge, share these creative instruments far and wide, for each individual's manifestations contribute to the collective's reality. The cosmos offers you an infinite canvas—paint it with the love and light in your heart.

Glynis: Why is this moment the perfect time to up our manifesting game?

Caphriel: The universal law of attraction is most powerful at this time because the majority of humanity is awake NOW. This is what we have all been waiting for. Furthermore, the collective consciousness of humanity is expanding at a much greater rate.

Glynis: What does this mean for our ascension?

Caphriel: It means Humanity IS READY for the shift of ages! It means the majority of humanity is well on its way—ASCENDING! How GLORIOUS this is!

Glynis: How can I help others to learn manifestation?

Caphriel: I'll give you a Meditation for Manifestation to share. The first step is to mentally clear your slate. Whether you're continuing on or starting anew in manifesting your world will depend on your point in the ascension process. Many are already on this path, and others are just now taking their first steps.

Glynis: I'm ready! Let's begin.

Caphriel: Wonderful! Find a comfortable position to sit or lie down in. It might help to play some music that awakens your imagination. Breathe deeply in through your nose and out through your mouth. Do this three times, then allow your breathing to return to its natural rhythm.

When you're set, envision your heart chakra radiating with a violet flame. With each inhale and exhale, watch as the flame grows, surrounding you with its luminous light. Repeat these affirmations: "I AM LOVE. I AM LIGHT. I AM ONE with SOURCE." Bring to mind your soul's deepest desires, intentions, ideas, and dreams. Consider where you want to live, how you see yourself, the skills you possess, and who's by your side. Now, picture a vast, empty canvas. On it, create the most beautiful and peaceful place that resonates with your heart.

Detail your ideal living space. Observe your environment. Are you nestled in the forest, perched on a mountain, beside a river, close to the ocean, in a valley, on a farm, or within a bustling city or town? Or do you wish to be part of a community with your family? Watch as this scene unfolds at the heart of your canvas, coming to life, growing into your new world, your new existence.

Next, imagine your ideal occupation. Focus on the specifics: the location, your role, the positive impact you make, success, financial prosperity, and freedom from debt. See yourself manifesting this career on your canvas. Feel the joy, the respect, the love, and the admiration you receive. And when you're ready, we'll move forward.

Continue building your world without hesitation or limit! Craft your relationships, community, surroundings, and advancements—all that you desire for the greater good. Remember, it's an ongoing process. You don't have to complete it all at once. Return as often as needed to add, modify, or change as your heart guides you. This canvas, always evolving, is yours forever. As you regularly visit and immerse yourself in this new reality, the manifestation of your new life in the present quickens. Before concluding, visualize a brilliant sphere of light encasing your creation, protecting and enhancing your progress.

When you feel ready, draw a few deep breaths and open your eyes. Allow yourself a moment to contemplate your evolving master plan. You've done it! You've taken the helm as the creator of your world. As you go about your day, hold no room for doubt. You are a divine being, imbued with the power of the Source itself. Feel gratitude for the world you've shaped, the prosperity coming your way, and the countless blessings you've received! And so it shall be!

Glynis: Thank you! That was amazing!

Caphriel: As always it is my pleasure to be at your side. Remember, I am always with you, a part of you. We are connected in every step, every breath, every dream.

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