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Viewing War with Discernment & Informed Compassion

Updated: Apr 21

Throughout history, humanity, collectively and personally, has unfortunately been forced to experience many painful, life-altering events. In these circumstances, how we act, react, and interact personally, socially, collectively, and spiritually will determine whether we are contributing to fanning the flames of fear and ignorance or standing in a place of compassion and love to better serve humanity. We may not understand or comprehend the forces driving such events, but we all have a part to play that will circuitously affect the outcome.

Today, as we face a war between Russia and Ukraine, we each have a pivotal decision to make that will directly affect the collective consciousness of all humanity, thus indirectly determining the consequences of this conflict. So ask yourself–

How will my actions and reactions towards the gamete of thoughts, feelings, and emotions forced upon me and my brothers and sisters in harm's way ultimately affect my life and the collective?

Will I allow fear, hatred, and ignorance to lead me down the ego-minded path through subjective control, OR will I take a stand in the middle ground trusting my heart and soul to guide me with loving intentions down the path of love, rationality, and objectivity?

Do I choose to manifest love, peace, and healing through my actions and reactions? If so, how do I accept and deal with the choices others make? Or, (for those not directly in the line of attack), do I choose to look the other way because it is too painful to watch and bear?

Whether awakened or not, most, if not all, find themselves unable to decipher between truth and deception and what is real news or fake news. There is absolutely no way to know the full truth unless you are directly part of that truth. So, what can we do when seeking answers?

~Do not allow fear or ego to snuff out your conscious capacity for objectivity when envisioning every possibility, reason, and outcome; instead, follow the path of WISDOM. Being responsible for your consciousness allows you to draw conclusions more aligned with truth, love, and light in all areas of your life, including the public and political arena.
~Do not be swayed by the prevailing public view of something - an idea whose shape is often defined by fear rather than by wisdom.
~Do not blindly follow others without investigating their credentials, research, and agendas, no matter who they are. Trust your gut! The answers you seek are within YOU.
~CONNECT with your higher self, your spirit guides, archangels, angels, ascended masters, and ask for help. Then TRUST your instincts, FOLLOW your intuition, LOOK for signs from spirit, SPREAD your love & light to those in need of protection, and remember, we are never alone.

So read, watch, and research at your discretion. And if you decide to share your insights and knowledge, do so with great discernment and informed compassion. Those who choose to justify a reality that gives them the most comfort without proof of such justification fail themselves and humanity as a collective.

Sending love & light to Ukraine & Russia. May peace prevail!

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