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A depiction of a transformative journey, from confronting personal struggles symbolized by stormy skies, to achieving liberation through shadow work into a space of clarity and growth.

Uplifter Lesson 2: Journey from Shadow to Light


Glynis: Hello, Belamora! Do you have a message for me today? (Belamora is the name I gave my Uplifter Aspect of Self)


Belamora: Yes. My message to humanity is this—stop procrastinating! Although on the right track, many awakened ones have stalled in their path to ascension. There is still much work to do with no more time to waste. Things are shifting more rapidly. You must fully commit to your ascension!


Glynis: What is the reason for procrastinating?


Belamora: Many are under the false impression that something or someone outside of themselves will come and rescue them or show them the way. This is not going to happen.


Every person is on a solo journey in the physical realm to reconnect with Christ's consciousness and integrate with their CORE aspects of self to achieve conscious ascension. Nothing and no one can do this for you! Ascension must be realized as a singular, personal journey that can only be accessed through one's connection with Source—Christ consciousness.


You must trust in yourself. Dig deep and find the parts of you who KNOWS the power within. Every aspect of self has a role and is vital to your ascension evolution. We are here to help—one only has to ask.


Glynis: Are we expected to become ascended masters of our soul in this lifetime on earth??


Belamora: No. Ascension takes much time. You can only ascend one dimension at a time and only to the highest vibrational frequency of the realm in which you exist.


Earth has ascended into the vibrational frequency of the 5th-dimensional realm. So the goal here is to raise your vibration level to the 5th vibrational frequency. From there, your next step will be revealed.


GlynisUnderstood, but before we go further, I need some clarification about the role of our 7 aspects of self. I understand they are the CORE fragmented parts of our primal soul that make up the foundation of our existence but are they living separate lives as independent beings in other realms?


Belamora: Yes. They are the parts of your soul's light body that exist beyond the 3D realm, holding a place in their respective dimensional levels that you strive to reach. As part of your ascension journey, they each have unique life experiences, which will be integrated with your primal soul as you ascend to each level of consciousness.


I would refer back to your Spirit Warrior lesson on dimensions. As you raise your vibration to match the vibrational level of each dimension, you will gain access to your respective aspect occupying that level of consciousness. Think of your aspects as your soul's personality traits. Each plays an important part of who you are in totality as a whole part of the fragmented soul waiting to reunite as one.


Glynis: So, to be clear, if they are living a unique life in a different realm, does that mean when we integrate, they no longer exist?


Belamora: No! You only integrate or merge consciousnesses. You do not actually merge in the physical sense.


Glynis: This is so confusing. It is so difficult to form questions on the subject.


Belamora: I know it is confusing now, but as you progress through your ascension by raising your vibration to each level of consciousness, it will make more sense. Ascension is a process much like your education system. You must start at the lower level and work your way up to graduation. There is no skipping ahead! You must complete each level before you can move up. It takes hard work and dedication to achieve the knowledge it takes to progress to the next level. You must do the work and face the challenges head-on, no matter how painful or difficult.


Glynis: By painful or difficult, are you referring to shadow work?


Belamora: Yes, shadow work is essential to the ascension process. And it is the most logical reason behind one's procrastination.


One must realize that suppressed emotions, traumas, etc., lurking in the shadows of the psyche are NOT the actual experience, only a repressed memory OF the experience. It can no longer hurt you. And although you can't change what happened to you, guess what? You survived! You must recognize your courage and strength to have done so.


Furthermore, you are not meant to carry such burdens. Only to retain the lessons learned from the experiences. As a free sovereign magnificent light being, you have the strength and power within to break free from the shadows. You must uncover the parts of yourself that are repressed or pushed back in your subconscious mind, give thanks for the lessons learned, and release them into the light.


The key is to love yourself enough to acquire the knowingness, strength, and power within to move beyond these challenges and step into your bliss.


Glynis: What advice do you have for humanity to get back on track?


Belamora: Now more than ever, it is important to get back in touch with yourself on a personal level. You are light beings with a direct link to your higher self, therefore Source. Go within. Spend time with yourself. Trust in your higher aspects of self to guide and protect you.


If you don't have that connection, then conscious ascension is out of reach. You must find balance in your life. There are no excuses, only bad choices. Timelines are shifting, and those who are ready will find more ease in the transition.


Also, get outside and play! Too many have forgotten how. It is time to reclaim your freedom and enjoy the beauty and inspiration Mother Earth has to offer. The sun will rejuvenate your body, mind, and spirit, and THAT will be transmittable. The earth will ground you. Feel the connection! Allow yourself to have some fun.


Glynis: For many, it is difficult to shift into the mind frame of having fun. Life has been so challenging, divisive, sad, frustrating, etc., that many of us find it difficult to turn our attention away from the daily struggles.


Belamora: You must work through all challenges. No matter how difficult. This is the only way to move forward. Shadow work, although very difficult, is the most freeing thing you can do for yourself.


Seek artistic or creative outlets! Find something you enjoy—something that lifts your emotions. Laugh! Sing! Dance! You've got this! And remember, even though this is a solo journey in the physical, you are truly never alone. Your 7 aspects of self are always with you—there to help. All you need to do is ask.


That is all for now. Love & light!


Glynis: Thank you. Love & light!




Practical Exercise: Embracing Your Shadow Self


Objective: â€‹To help you confront and integrate your shadow aspects, releasing deep-seated blocks and embracing your full self with compassion and understanding.


Exercise Steps:

  1. Create a Sacred Space:

    • Find a quiet, comfortable place where you won't be disturbed.

    • Set up your space with candles, soft lighting, and calming music if desired. This helps to create a peaceful, introspective atmosphere.

  2. Ground Yourself:

    • Sit comfortably and take a few deep breaths. Inhale slowly through your nose, hold for a few seconds, and exhale gently through your mouth.

    • Feel your body relaxing with each breath, grounding yourself in the present moment.

  3. Reflection and Journaling:

    • Take your journal and pen. Reflect on the following prompts and write down your thoughts and feelings without judgment:

      • What are some fears or doubts that have been holding you back?

      • Can you identify any patterns of self-sabotage or procrastination in your life?

      • What past traumas or emotional wounds might be contributing to your resistance to healing?

      • How do you feel about your shadow self? What emotions arise when you think about your hidden aspects?

  4. Mirror Work (Optional):

    • Hold the mirror and look into your eyes. Gaze softly and without judgment.

    • As you look into the mirror, say the following affirmations out loud or in your mind:

      • "I acknowledge and embrace all parts of myself."

      • "I am worthy of love and healing."

      • "I release the fear and shame that no longer serve me."

    • Feel the emotions that arise and let them flow. It's okay to cry or feel uncomfortable. This is part of the healing process.

  5. Visualization:

    • Close your eyes and take a few more deep breaths. Visualize yourself standing in front of a dark forest. This forest represents your shadow self.

    • Imagine a path leading into the forest. As you walk along this path, notice the trees, the sounds, and the feelings that arise.

    • Ahead, you see a small clearing with a campfire. This fire symbolizes transformation and healing.

    • Sit by the fire and imagine placing your fears, doubts, and traumas into the flames. Watch as they burn away, transforming into light and releasing their hold on you.

    • Feel a sense of peace and release as you continue to sit by the fire.

  6. Integration:

    • When you are ready, slowly open your eyes and return to your space.

    • Take a moment to journal about your visualization experience. What did you release into the fire? How do you feel now?

  7. Affirmation and Closing:

    • End the exercise with a positive affirmation: "I am whole, healed, and complete. I embrace my shadow self with love and compassion."

    • Take a few more deep breaths to ground yourself and close the practice.


Regular Practice:

  • Repeat this exercise as often as needed to continue integrating your shadow aspects. Each time, focus on a different fear, doubt, or trauma that you wish to release.

  • Over time, you will find that you are more connected to your true self and less burdened by past wounds.


By regularly engaging in this exercise, you will deepen your understanding of your shadow self, allowing for greater healing and self-compassion. This practice will support you on your journey from shadow to light, helping you to achieve a more harmonious and integrated sense of self.


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